The genre of gambling-focused shows has been around for a while now, ever since the early 40s when the first American film was released, depicting the harsh conditions in a notorious gambling den. The last decade or so can be …
Shows & TV
Just recently we covered the best gambling movies of all time, but truth be told, a good portion of them is hard to find in the today’s era of streaming services, copyrights and all other blockers for a good movie …
If you love to gamble, the odds are good that you are also a big fan of movies. Those two passions, it turns out, can combine in a highly cinematic way. The inherent drama of gambling movies lies in the …
When we talk about anime shows that have surprised us the most, gambling series are often at the top of our list. Here’s why: When you introduce the game of chance in anime—a world where anything can happen— the result …
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